Black Cassette of Hollywood

Black Cassette of Hollywood
Late twentieth century ce
North America
Synthetic Plastic
7 3/8" x 4” x 1"
Private Collection of Pacific Northwest College of Art

Small, mostly rigid rectangular the Black Cassette of Hollywood bears cracks in its surface as well as scratches from its apparent exposure to the environment where it was discovered. One side of the object has clear panes revealing a complex materials wound onto spools; the other side of the object reveals the spools are associated with slotted cogs that when force is applied will turn, moving the material trapped within in one direction or the other as directed by the limitations of the spools.

Our forensic research specialists have determined this object a fetish object, which had been mass-produced by methods of manufacturing technology used by studio workshops of the Japanese Archipelago during the mid to late twentieth century ce. The Black Cassette of Hollywood is believed to be a fetish item due to the massive numbers of these objects found in large groups often arranged using logical archival methodology of taxonomy, which seems to utilize the glyphs depicted on surfaces of the objects.

The great masters of the studio workshops of Japan during the twentieth century ce were mostly anonymous, working in state sponsored organizations, often producing highly advanced technological works such as The Black Cassette of Hollywood in great numbers. It is unknown if the studio workshop produced other objects of interest, though due to the highly specialized mastery of craftsmanship present in The Black Cassette of Hollywood it is unlikely that the artisans would have produced anything else.

It is believed that objects such as the Black Cassette of Hollywood were made for every citizen, perhaps as talisman like objects to request guidance from the spirit world. Of the glyphs present on the surfaces of the cassette, experts have deciphered the Black Cassette of Hollywood to read “Disturbing Behavior”. It is believed that by winding the spools of the cassette in one direction believers would ward away influences of the universe which cause “disturbing behavior”; if wound the other direction one would call upon the universe requesting such. Similar objects have been discovered with glyphs reading “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” believed that of the cassette was wound one way would ward away evil spirits while visiting the city of Las Vegas, wound the other way, perhaps the desired result would be to wish unrest to someone else visiting there. Others read “Armageddon”, “There’s Something About Mary”, “The Big Lebowski” and other mysterious incantations such as “The Truman Show”.

The late twentieth century was a period of rapid technological advances which had great impact on the ability to make objects such as the Black Cassette of Hollywood. Even while mass-produced these objects held special sentimentality for the persons in possession of them as determined by the deep reverence shown in people’s collections of many similar objects. It is believed the objects grew in personal importance as a collection grew. The twentieth century ce was a time during which many of the worlds major religions took radical shift in ethos. New proto and fictional religions emerged such as The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and The Church of Scientology as well as many cult organizations, which require members to participate in unconventional behavior and belief structures.

The glyphs of the Black Cassette of Hollywood has been translated to read:
"Disturbing Behavior
Color - M907281 - Rated R
Aprox. 1 HR. 24 MINS - HI-FI - DOLBY Surround Stereo
Digital Video Transfer - Closed Captioned
1996* Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc. All Rights Reserved

*Our research shows that the hex “Disturbing Behavior” was not issued until 1998 ce, making the Black Cassette of Hollywood a very special specimen of similar black cassettes.

A Recount From Ms. Disturbing Behavior

In nineteen ninety eight the year of our lord, I was masterfully crafted in the home workshop of the Great Master known as Nutter. When I was made, I was provided with a sacred ceremonial jacket; impeccable fit, elegantly decorated with rich symbolism depicting my services and duty to The People. My noble mission was to reach into the homes, minds and hearts of The People to tell a story. The tale I was imbued with was a challenging one for many people, conjuring up anxiety some might not have been capable to receive and process for their personal growth. I was permitted to present my tale in its full, glory only a few times before I was gracelessly ejected from the salons of my distinctive audiences. The last time I embarked to tell my story, I was tossed out without my jacket. Cast out naked, mortified, I bumped around in shadows trying to preserve my dignity and honor as a raconteuse. Quite dishonored; shamed for myself as well as other storytellers yielded from my master’s workshop. I dearly hope that my rescue from the streets will provide me with new opportunities to continue my duties.


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