Seeking more information...input requested

Back when I was ​researching grad schools with moving image​ programs I started this spreadsheet ​to keep tabs on the particulars. I've maintained it through the years as it seems to be somewhat useful. ​

Now I’m looking at Post-MFA fellowships and Ph.D. programs, and have expanded my
​ handy​
 spreadsheet a 
​wee ​
bit with new pages. However, I think I’ve bumped into a situation in which I don’t know what I don’t know. I’m looking for information on traditional early-career teaching fellowships of one or more years which accept moving image practitioners, and practice based animation Ph.D. programs that are open to US post-grads. 

If you know of such programs, would you be so kind as to share that information? The link opens the spreadsheet and the share allows for commenting, if you’d like to add/correct anything, comment and I’ll updated accordingly. And, hey if you’re looking for similar information, here it is =) I hope it can be useful to others as well.

Thanks a bunch

This spreadsheet and it’s corresponding research is what I do when I procrastinate on other work. Goodtimes.


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