as I sit on posts in editing
I must remind myself a blog of this nature is for process. PROCESS. Nothing is perfect - I don't even think in terms of perfect.
verb /pərˈfekt/
perfected, past participle; perfected, past tense; perfecting, present participle; perfects, 3rd person singular present
perfected, past participle; perfected, past tense; perfecting, present participle; perfects, 3rd person singular present
- Make (something) completely free from faults or defects, or as close to such a condition as possible
- - he's busy perfecting his bowling technique
- Bring to completion; finish
- Complete (a printed sheet of paper) by printing the second side
- Satisfy the necessary conditions or requirements for the transfer of (a gift, title, etc.)
- - equity will not perfect an imperfect gift
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