Time Is An Illusion

Every moment of you life is already there
The universe is a vast collection of NOWs

[ drunken school writing to follow: ]
If during the Enlightenment it was believed that natural philosophers were to be in pursuit of understanding everything, and the post-modernist participants in the continued discussion generally believe they know nothing. (Consilience, E.O. Wilson, pp 44), then they probably would agree the uncertainty in common.

The implications of a society rendered exclusively by scientific methodology and; the vision of the world as seen through the lens of post-modernist consideration are questions that are the meat of science fiction and cyperpunk story lines from the likes of Aldus Huxley’s Island and Brave New World to the Wachowski’s Matrix trilogy and Lucas’s THX138 as well as many other contemporary films and literature.

My limited understanding of scientific methodology, that which seeks truth and knowledge, by seeking a to understand a ‘better’ way, better information, better; methods that create test scenarios, run, document, adjust and repeat with a purpose of documenting process may help to reduce improbabilities imposed by the organic. ( I dated this guy, he wanted me to act like a test run – fix repeat. He failed to communicate his recognition of the fact that humans are not without infinite variables. )

A social world rendered by scientific method would very likely attempt to reduce variable generated by the human condition with goals to adjust and improve people as mutable objects. People would be specialized living to service particular functions of industry and striving to have picture perfect interpersonal relationships by eliminating variances and flaws. Nobel but short sighted. Post-modernists, questioning reality and perception and the commonality of all living organisms (fractal chaos theory) may be too esoteric to be believable for many who’ve developed their consideration with scientific method and or faiths as a base model from which to operate. Many may be challenged by seeing seemingly willy-nilly suggestions that we don’t really exist as we expect we do, or that we exist in multiple dimensions (The Education of Oversoul 7, Jane Roberts, Pocket Frederick, MD, 1987 and; The Elegant Universe, Brian Greene, Vintage Books, NYC, 2000).

The post-modernist scientific community seems to be stimulated by a similar approach to knowledge collection and testing as the scientific method community, but the questions being asked are perhaps more similar to the original natural philosophers of the Royal Society than the current scientific method community. I perceive their approach to be something of a ‘That just sounds whacky enough to work, lets try it!’ kind of deal. Through post-modernist science we have explored our brains to consider expanding our consciousness – to acknowledge ourselves as mammals; in conjunction with the work of scientific method to see ourselves in the infinite patterns of the planet and universe.

Our society and indeed the world requires a balance of both the scientific method and post-modernist philosophy to unravel the uncertainty of scientific exploration.

Wiggle your finger! 


  1. Q,
    I have to thank you for this post. That's the good part; now here is the criticism part. I am going to have to find the texts that you refer to to get a more understandable idea of what you are writing about. The article is interesting, but sort of leaves us hanging as to its purpose or goal.

    Back to the good part: your blog is way better for the mind that watching The Family Guy.

  2. I've linked the book titles to their wiki pages.


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