Big Girl Phone

I've been on T-Mobile for a while. I switched when my Virgin Mobile phone took a crap, at the time they didn't have an android phone (I wasn't going to spring the cash for a handset I didn't actually want) and T-mobile was the only company supporting the android.  With the switch my bill went from about $30 a month to about $70 a month for a no contract deal with t-mob. Last year when my G1 died a miserable death I sprang full price for a new phone and have been rockin the super smart phone to it's fullest potential.  Recently t-mob discontinued their no contract plans thus forcing customers to sign a contract. I was about to do it but with enough question asking learned that it would cost me more and I would have fewer and more limited services. Boo.  BOO!!! 

Last month Monkey suggested putting me on his plan.  We did the math and determined that by having a family plan in conjunction with a 25% discount through his employer we'll both have less expensive bills. WIN.  There is a contract, which I hate, but that's more of a symptom of my state of brokitude that drives that more than any fear of commitment. I don't want to be penalized if I can't pay my bill exactly on time. I like a little flexibility. 

Anyhoodle. I upgraded my handset to the HTC EVO. Man this thing is slick! I've been using android phones for a couple of years now and the improvements built into this version are so sweet. I'm not going to gush but to say that I'm really impressed with the magic boxes we get to cary in our pockets these days.

And also... squee!!  


  1. ooh! My friend Ellen has that phone, I was playing with it yesterday. I think it's awesome. I will keep my eye on it for next time I get an upgrade.

  2. Coming from the G1 to the LG Optimus to the EVO have been incredible jumps in performance and features. A lot of the aps I've used to customize my phone are already built in to the software package. Monkey reports that he hasn't loaded a single ap yet and he's been using this phone for a couple of months. The camera is awesome fast (which is why I chose it over another handset with a slideout qwerty keyboard). With the new os update to Gingerbread the whole thing becomes an easy to use piece of sci-fi magic. They just keep getting better and better.


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