Animated Arts final FA11

Dedicated to Anthony D. Shafer. 
About growth and natural transformations, journey and explosive transformation into a desired form. 

Flip book. Watercolor and ink on Stratmoore watercolor paper and brown craft paper. 4.5" x 6" originally designed to be viewed in the hand. Shot in iStop in 3s, with a couple holds and some cycling,   digital viewing is intended to be looped.  

I'd like to add more cels to the end but it's getting too big to handle.  I went into critique feeling pretty bad about this assignment. I didn't think I hit any of the assignment goals, but as it turns out that's not true, I got most of them.   The project I originally proposed failed failed failed oh man, so I had to move on, but not after beating that dead horse. I'd conceived of a new idea, mapped it out and then fought with it for a while. Yesterday-today, (they all blend together), I gave in and let it run it's course.  Of what you see here there I cut 50 pages and would like to add 30 or so to round it out the end nicely.

But right now - it's nap time, I've been up for three days.


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